Activities of the Supervisory Board
The discussions at the Supervisory Board meetings covered frequently recurring topics, such as safety, reports of its committees, the Advance 2025 strategy, developments in financial results, dividend proposal, financing, business developments, quarterly interim management statements, acquisitions and divestments, key investments, annual budget, internal risk management and control systems, succession planning of the Supervisory Board and Board of Management, remuneration for the members of the Board of Management, corporate governance, investor relations, culture and values, the science- based targets, the Financial statements, and the Annual Report. In addition, the Supervisory Board discussed the divestment of the Emulsifiers business, the Capital Markets Update, the share buy-back program, the preparation for the new strategic period, the new ESG reporting regulations, the proposed amendment of the Articles of Association, and the proposed revised Remuneration Policies for the Board of Management and Supervisory Board.
The Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee held one physical meeting to review the progress of the long-term strategy, Advance 2025, and visited the plant in Rayong (Thailand), where they met with local management and other colleagues.