Double materiality assessment


Corbion uses the DMA to hear the voices of our stakeholders and identify material impacts, risks, and opportunities. The assessment informs our sustainability strategy, business planning, and risk management, as well as the content of our Annual Report.

The DMA considers two perspectives:

  • The impact perspective (inside-out), which means investigating the impacts of Corbion and its activities on the environment and people, including on human rights.

  • The financial perspective (outside-in) which means investigating the risks and opportunities that sustainability matters present to Corbion’s financial performance.

Our DMA is updated at least every five years, prior to the overall strategy update, with a light review conducted each year. Our DMA process in outlined in the following section.

Double materiality process

In 2023, we started our DMA in line with ESRS definitions and requirements. In 2024, we completed the DMA by incorporating new input from the organization and to reflect new insights shared with us by stakeholders or ongoing assessments (such as our due diligence process (new window)). The double materiality process followed a four-step approach.

Context & Stakeholder Identification




Value chain analysis as a basis to identify impacts, risks and opportunities

> 100 impacts, risks &
opportunities identified based on 22 sources, such as reporting standards (GRI, ESRS, SASB), ESG ratings, industry report, and peer review

> 500 stakeholders surveyed to understand what matters the most to different stakeholder groups

External stakeholder interviews to validate outcomes

Stakeholder identification to map stakeholders as affected or as users of information

19 topics defined by categorizing impacts, risks & opportunities and evaluating their position across the value chain

> 10 interviews conducted with internal/external experts to gain insights on impacts and risks &
opportunities across the value chain

Executive Committee session to sign-off on the process and outcomes

2 expert panels – impact and financial materiality separately – to validate the outcomes and scoring

Map material topics to applicable

2024 update across all phases

For more information on the double materiality process and supporting information around the methodology (such as the scope of the assessment and the scoring), see Appendix 3: Additional information on our DMA approach (new window). The outcome of these steps was discussed with and validated by the Executive Committee, resulting in the final list of material topics and impacts, risks, and opportunities.

Our double materiality outcomes


Impact, risk, opportunity - topic

Value chain position



Time horizon

Link to full Impact, Risk, Opportunity (description in IRO table)


GHG emissions

Climate change

Low-carbon solutions

Climate change; Our sustainable solutions

Carbon pricing

Climate change

Impact on crop yield

Climate change


Water use


Water availability and quality


Circular economy

Circular solutions

Our sustainable solutions


Agriculture driver of biodiversity loss


Impact on crop yield


Alternatives to fish oil solutions

Biodiversity; Our sustainable solutions

Health and safety


Health and safety

Human rights in the supply chain

Poor working conditions, child/forced labor in agriculture

Human rights in the supply chain

Human capital

Talent attraction, retention, and people development

Human capital

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Human capital

Consumer health and product safety

Solutions for biomedical, pharma, nutrition, and food safety

Consumer health and product safety; Our sustainable solutions

Product contaminations

Consumer health and product safety

Main changes compared to version published in Corbion's 2023 Annual Report:

  • Data security with the associated ‘Risk of cybercrime could lead to business interruption and high costs as well as reputation damage’ has been removed due to not being a sustainability matter, however is included in Risk management (new window).

  • Subtopic Waste has been removed from the circular economy topic, as Corbion produces low amounts of waste and, based on our life cycle assessments, the environmental impact of waste is <1% for the environmental impact categories considered. Moreover, the financial impact is not material.

These results form the basis for Corbion’s 2024 Annual Report and Sustainability statements.