Sustainability governance

Sustainability is integrated into Corbion’s daily operations and decision making on matters including capital expenditure and innovation projects, mergers and acquisitions, and raw material sourcing. For a summary of our formal governance bodies and their responsibilities, see the table below:

Governance level




Sustainability and Safety Committee of the Supervisory Board

Oversees the process for managing material impacts, risks, and opportunities.1

Three times per year

See section: Report of the Supervisory Board - Committees of the Supervisory Board - Sustainability and Safety Committee

Executive Committee

Overall responsibility for sustainability. This includes the monitoring and management of material impacts, risks, and opportunities,1 as well as the setting of targets, approval of policies, and evaluation of potential trade-offs.

At least three times per year

See section: Governance and risk management - Our Board of Management and Executive Committee

Sustainability SteerCo

Oversees the development of our strategy to address Corbion’s key sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities (including on climate and nature), monitors progress versus targets, evaluates how we manage risks, and determines whether Corbion’s targets are still aligned with the latest science. The committee also oversees training policies and procedures to ensure Corbion has the appropriate skills to be able to manage sustainability challenges and opportunities, with particular focus on material topics.

At least quarterly

CTO (chair), COO, VP Sustainability and representatives from Operations, business units, Finance, Corporate Communications, and Sustainability

Sustainability Reporting SteerCo

Oversees the reporting processes, including controls.

At least quarterly

CFO (Chair), VP Business control, VP Sustainability, other representatives from Finance and Sustainability

Innovation Committee

Corbion’s Net Zero R&D program is overseen by the Innovation Committee, led by the CTO, which includes representatives from Operations, R&D, and Finance. The council is responsible for the management of the stage-gate process and priority setting.


CTO (chair) and representatives from Operations, Innovation, Business Units, Finance, Regulatory, IP, and Sustainability

1 For a comprehensive list of Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities (IROs) overseen by administrative, management, and supervisory bodies, refer to our double materiality outcomes (new window) table.

The role of Board of Management, Executive Committee, and the Supervisory Board

The composition and role of the Board of Management, Executive Committee, and the Supervisory Board is described in the chapter Governance and risk management (new window). For information on sustainability-related performance and incentive schemes, see the Remuneration report (new window).

Statement on due diligence

All identified material sustainability topics are considered in Corbion’s overall strategy. Sustainability due diligence and risk management, in line with our strategy, are embedded in business processes through Corbion’s statements, codes, and policies (new window), including Corbion’s Code of Business Conduct, Supplier Code, EHS Policy, Human Rights Policy, Sustainable Agriculture Policy, Climate Policy, and Water Policy, as well as Corbion’s procedures for assessing risks related to biodiversity.



Embedding due diligence in governance, strategy, and business model

General information (see above)

Engaging with affected stakeholders

General information - Interests and views of our stakeholders

Identifying and assessing adverse impacts

General (IROs - Our sustainble solutions)
Environment (IROs - E1, E3, E4)
Social (IROs - S1, S2, S4)

Taking actions to address adverse impacts

General (IROs - Our sustainble solutions)
Environment (Actions - E1, E3, E4)
Social (Actions - S1, S2, S4)

Tracking effectiveness of efforts and communicating

Environment (Targets - E1, E4)
Social (Targets - S1, S2, S4)

Risk management and internal controls 

For more information on risk management and our internal controls systems, see Internal control framework for sustainability reporting (new window).