Sustainability performance

At Corbion, we are committed to creating sustainable value across the entire value chain. We achieve this by expanding our portfolio of sustainable solutions for our customers and by implementing responsible sourcing and manufacturing practices initiatives that help mitigate potential negative impacts of our business activities.

Sustainable solutions

Our Advance 2025 strategy builds on Corbion’s fundamental strengths by further focusing our business portfolio in alignment with global market trends including opportunities related to sustainability. The majority of our solutions make a positive contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and by focusing on the added value of sustainability, Corbion can tap into new markets, attract more customers, and ultimately drive further business growth. Our product portfolio includes the following sustainable solutions:

  • Corbion’s biomedical, nutrition, pharma, and food safety solutions positively impact human health (SDG 3).

  • Corbion’s biochemicals enable customers to become more circular by switching to biobased alternatives, which helps to reduce the consumption of fossil resources (SDG 12).

  • Corbion's food ingredients solutions extend the shelf life of food products, which can reduce food waste at customers' operations or further downstream (SDG 12).

  • Corbion's low-carbon solutions, especially our biobased portfolio, support the transition to a low-carbon economy, contributing to the mitigation of climate change (SDG 13).

  • Corbion offers omega-3 derived from algae fermentation as an alternative to traditional fish oil, reducing negative impacts on marine biodiversity (SDG 14).

To monitor our impact, we track the overall contribution to the SDGs as a percentage of Corbion’s total revenues. In 2024, 74% of our revenues contributed to the SDGs. We aim to increase this percentage by increasing investments in key growth areas such as natural food preservation, algae-based ingredients, lactic acid derivatives, and natural polymers. This includes investments in innovation, where all innovation projects are expected to contribute to the SDGs. These investments allow Corbion to take advantage of opportunities related to climate change, biodiversity, circularity, and consumer health.

Corbion uses Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) to understand the environmental impacts of our products. An LCA can be used as a scientific basis to identify improvement opportunities, compare different products, and support decision making in new product and process development. We provide this information to customers, to help them understand our products' carbon footprint and substantiate their sustainability claims. All Corbion LCAs are peer reviewed according to ISO 14040/44 and ISO 14067 standards.

Our sustainable performance

2030 1

2025 1



Responsible sourcing

Raw materials covered by supplier code2





Verified responsibly sourced cane sugar3





Scope 3 emissions reduction (submitted to SBTi for validation)4





Verified deforestation-free key agricultural raw materials5





Responsible operations

Total Recordable Injury Rate6

< 1.25

< 2.50



Renewable electricity





Scope 1 & 2 emissions reduction (submitted to SBTi for validation)7





Sustainable solutions

Net sales contributing to the SDGs (SDG 2, 3, 12, 13, 14)8

> 85%

> 75%



  1. Targets based on current manufacturing footprint; to be reviewed in case of acquisitions/major changes. Based on our double materiality assessment and a thorough review of our sustainable development targets, we have determined that a number of these targets have become less relevant for Corbion going forward. These targets are no longer included in this table. Our progress on these topics can be found in the section Non-material sustainability topics (new window).

  2. By quantity.

  3. Bonsucro-certified or meeting the requirements of Corbion’s Cane Sugar Code verified by third-party audits, by quantity. See our Cane Sugar Policy (new window) for more information.

  4. Scope 3 emissions related to purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations and investments. Absolute reduction compared to 2021 as the base year. We report our emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Our full scope 3 emissions and biogenic emissions are reported in the Sustainability statements (new window).

  5. Key agricultural raw materials include cane sugar, dextrose derived from corn, palm oil and derivatives, soy-bean oil and derivatives, and wheat, by quantity. Through Bonsucro certification, RSPO certification, or other certification covering deforestation; or demonstrated to be deforestation-free based on satellite data, third-party audits (e.g., Corbion Cane Sugar Code audit), and/or country-of-origin statements.

  6. Including contractors. Based on CSRD definition.

  7. Scope 1 emissions from direct production (from fuels), scope 2 emissions from purchased energy (electricity and purchased steam, market-based). Absolute reduction compared to 2021 as the base year. We report our emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

  8. Net sales of products for which there is evidence that the product contributes to the SDGs. See our Measuring what matters whitepaper (new window) for more details.

Responsible manufacturing

Environment, health, and safety

Corbion is committed to creating a safe and healthy workspace with zero incidents. We firmly believe no job is so important that it cannot be done safely and with minimal environmental impact. We approach our operations with meticulous care, prioritizing the safety, health, and well-being of our employees, contractors, and the communities we engage with.

Our activities are supported by a management system that includes policies, procedures, training, and feedback mechanisms, ensuring adherence to applicable laws and regulations as well as alignment with our company standards and codes. Corbion is committed to complying with the ISO 45001 standard and is working toward certifying all its production locations.

In 2024, we recorded 23 injuries (employees and contractors combined) across all regions, compared to 27 in 2023. Consistent with previous years, there were no fatalities in 2024. While we had fewer total recordable injuries, the Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR, for employees and contractors combined), increased to 3.58 (per million hours worked), versus 2.55 per million hours worked in 2023. We had significantly less contractor exposure hours in 2024 compared to 2023. On the positive side, when looking at only our ‘own workforce,’ the TRIR improved, decreasing from 4.20 to 3.58 injuries per million hours.

During 2024, Corbion continued on our Safety Excellence journey, overseen by the ExCo EHS Committee and steered by the Safety Excellence Committee.

  • Visible felt leadership: The Executive Committee prioritizes safety-focused site visits at Corbion locations. They believe in the importance of direct safety dialogues with employees and contractors, and track safety observations and follow-up actions in the global management system.

  • Process safety capability and systems: Implementing a robust Process Safety Management (PSM) system is crucial for reducing the risk of major safety and environmental incidents at our production facilities, such as fires, explosions, chemical releases, or spills. Our long-term goal is to foster a ‘zero-leak’ culture, ensuring that all products stay contained within the pipelines. In 2024, we strengthened our process safety capabilities and procedures further by conducting PSM training, Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) training, and providing site-specific support across various global locations. Additionally, we actively monitor sites' multi-year process hazard analysis planning and progress.

  • Behavior-Based Safety (BBS): Launched in 2022, this program aims to enhance site safety leadership and reduce risks through employee engagement at all production and R&D locations. Five out of 12 locations have completed the project phase and are now advancing their safety initiatives with guidance from their safety steering committees. Six additional locations continued or began the BBS journey in 2024. Leaders are also learning about visible felt leadership, fostering open and positive safety discussions with employees and contractors.

  • Global EHS Audit Program: In 2024, we continued evaluating our production and R&D sites for compliance with Corbion’s EHS standards. This audit covers all manufacturing locations and supplements ISO audits.

Everyone at Corbion’s manufacturing sites, including employees, temporary workers, and contractors, participate in an occupational health and safety system. Most sites are ISO 45001 certified, covering the majority of production volume. Non-certified sites ensure compliance by following Corbion’s global EHS standards and Safety Rules. Six sites hold ISO 14001 certification, representing a significant portion of production.

Overall, our employee absentee rate was 3.5% compared to 2.5% in 2023.

Climate action

At Corbion we are committed to play our part in combatting the climate crisis by offering low-carbon solutions to our customers and by reducing our own GHG emissions and achieving net zero emissions by 2050. We have set emission reduction targets grounded in climate science through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Following the divestment of our Emulsifiers business, we have updated our emissions reduction targets, in line with the latest SBTi requirements.

We are committed to reducing our absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42% and our absolute scope 3 emissions by 25% by 2030, compared to 2021. We are also committed to reach net-zero GHG emissions across the value chain by 2050. Our new targets have been submitted for validation to the Science Based Targets initiative in 2024.

To achieve our SBTi commitment, we focus on the following initiatives in our own operations:

  • Reduction of our energy consumption through energy efficiency measures.

  • Electrification of fossil-fuel driven systems.

  • Introducing renewable heat solutions to support our transition from fossil fuels to renewable alternatives such as biogas and hydrogen.

  • Process innovation to decarbonize the lactic acid production process.

  • Implementation of renewable electricity at all manufacturing sites.

In 2024, we completed the following actions to reduce our GHG emissions:

Energy efficiency
  • We initiated an energy scan at our site in Blair (US), where we have already identified opportunities for heat integration for which implementation will start in 2025.

  • In Gorinchem (the Netherlands) the energy scan is being updated. First improvement projects resulting from this scan will be implemented in 2025.

  • We implemented real-time monitoring of our steam consumption in Gorinchem, which is expected to bring benefits in 2025. The implementation of real-time electricity monitoring is ongoing.

  • We set site-specific energy efficiency targets for the six manufacturing sites with the highest energy consumption. All sites have met their site-specific target. Next to energy savings, these targets also increased awareness, ownership, and commitment among colleagues.

  • We prepared for the installation of a new electrically-driven evaporator in Gorinchem by the first quarter of 2025.

  • We evaluated the feasibility of heat pumps for different parts of our processes. The resulting projects have been included in our 2030 roadmap.

Renewable heat
  • We continued the evaluation of feasible alternative fuels for heat production at our sites in Gorinchem (the Netherlands), Montmeló (Spain), Blair (US), and Rayong (Thailand).

Process innovation
  • We continued our long-term innovation program and initiated several new projects.

  • At the end of 2024, we launched the start-up of our new circular lactic acid plant in Thailand. Lactic acid produced by this first-of-its-kind facility will have the lowest associated carbon footprint compared to any manufacturing technologies currently used. The recycling of processing chemicals eliminates the use of lime, which is a significant contributor to our scope 3 GHG emissions.

Compared to 2023, our scope 1 and 2 emissions increased, due to business growth and due to the start-up of the new circular lactic acid plant in Thailand. Our new circular lactic acid technology enables the recycling of processing chemicals, reducing scope 3 emissions, which consumes additional energy compared to the conventional lactic acid process, leading to an increase of our scope 1 emissions. Overall, the cradle-to-gate GHG emissions of the new technology are >30% reduced compared to the conventional lactic acid production in Thailand.

Our scope 1 and 2 emissions are expected to further increase in the coming years due to business growth and further ramping up of our circular lactic acid plant. The resulting increase of our emissions is higher than the impact of the emission reductions measures that we have implemented. From 2027/2028 onwards, we expect our scope 1 and 2 emissions to decrease due to the implementation of renewable heat.

Responsible sourcing

A significant part of our value chain’s environmental and social impact is upstream of our operations. To safeguard our sustainable solutions’ overall positive environmental and social impact, we need to ensure our raw materials are sourced responsibly. Our Supplier Code (new window) defines Corbion’s expectations for all suppliers and their contractors. In 2024, we updated the code in accordance with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code, Accountability Framework Initiative, and the fundamental conventions defined by the International Labour Organization. All our raw material suppliers must sign this code to confirm their adherence or demonstrate commitment through their own company policies that embrace the code’s standards.

We assess all our raw material suppliers for potential risks related to human rights and environmental impacts. This sustainability risk assessment is conducted using RepRisk, a tool that systematically identifies material ESG risks by analyzing information from public sources and stakeholders. It also considers specific risk elements, such as the use of SIN-listed raw materials and potential conflict minerals. The risk assessment is updated annually and conducted for any new raw material or supplier. Alongside these assessments, Corbion uses the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) platform and the SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) to monitor the social performance and compliance of our high-risk suppliers.

Sustainable agriculture

A sustainable agricultural supply chain is of material importance to our business, as we rely on agriculture for our biobased raw materials. It is also vital to the communities in which we operate and to our planet’s resources. We recognize that intensive agriculture can have an adverse impact on people and the environment. The agricultural sector is the second-largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally, contributes to deforestation and biodiversity loss and farming of sugarcane, palm oil, and soybean oil has been linked to poor working conditions and forced and child labor issues. Sustainable agriculture, however, has the potential to protect the planet, enhance the economic viability of the agricultural sector, and support the livelihoods and well-being of farmers and communities.

Corbion is not directly involved with the growing, harvesting, or processing of the crops used to make our raw materials. We partner with our direct suppliers and conservation solution providers, and engage with other stakeholders involved in our agricultural supply chains to promote our vision for sustainable agriculture. We also implement relevant certification schemes, including Bonsucro, RSPO, and ProTerra. Our Sustainable Agriculture Policy describes our vision and fundamental principles, including respecting human rights; protecting biodiversity; eliminating deforestation; advocating stewardship of the air, soil, and water; and mitigating climate change.

Deforestation-free agricultural supply chains

The production of agricultural raw materials can involve the conversion of natural land into agricultural land. We are committed to doing as much as possible to avoid this, and we track the percentage of key agricultural raw materials (sugar, palm, soy, wheat, corn) purchased that is verified deforestation-free. Our target is to achieve >99% deforestation-free key agricultural raw materials by 2030.

About 26% of our key agricultural raw materials are sourced in North America, where deforestation is not an issue. According to the Agri-footprint database, which is based on statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, no land transformation from forest has occurred in the sourcing areas of Corbion’s dextrose, soybean oil, or wheat suppliers in the US. For sugar, palm oil, and soybean oil sourced outside of North America, the absence of deforestation is verified through audits, satellite studies, and Bonsucro, RSPO, or ProTerra certification. Combined, we verified that at least 99% of our key raw materials are deforestation-free globally, similar to last year, meeting our 2025 and 2030 target. We have not identified incidents requiring remedial actions.

Cane sugar

Corbion’s Cane Sugar Code defines specific requirements for producing sustainable cane sugar, based on Bonsucro’s definitions for sustainable sugarcane and derived products. Globally, some 8% of the sugarcane growing areas are Bonsucro certified, and for our main sourcing area, Thailand, this is less than 4%. As a result, we cannot source 100% Bonsucro-certified sugar. If a cane sugar supplier is not yet able to supply Bonsucro-certified sugar, we conduct a thorough auditing process. In 2024, we verified that 99% of our total cane sugar consumption met the requirements of our code, compared to 98% in 2023, thereby achieving our 2025 and 2030 targets. This includes around 36% Bonsucro-certified sugar. See our Cane Sugar Policy (new window) for more details on our audit program.

Palm and soybean oil

Corbion’s Palm Oil Policy reflects our commitment to implement RSPO certification across every product in our portfolio that contains palm oil and/or ingredients derived from palm oil. In addition to executing internal policies, we comply with NDPE principles based on RSPO’s Principles and Criteria for the Production of Sustainable Palm Oil (2018), and we require our suppliers to do the same. Since 2020, 100% of our palm oil and primary oleochemicals have been RSPO certified. In 2024, we continued the implementation of RSPO certification for our secondary oleochemicals.

After the divestment of our Emulsifiers business in 2024, our use of palm oil and soybean oil is no longer material. Despite this change in materiality, we believe that commodities considered high-risk should be sourced ethically, no matter the volume. Therefore, our commitment to sustainable practices remains firm.

Climate action

To achieve our SBTi commitment, we engage with our suppliers to promote climate action in our supply chain. We focus these efforts on high impact raw materials including cane sugar, corn dextrose, and chemicals.

In addition to supplier engagement, another approach is to implement third-party sourcing certifications, such as RSPO certification and Bonsucro, where GHG emissions are reduced by complying with the certifications’ stringent environmental standards.

Specifically in Brazil, cane sugar suppliers also produce biofuels and voluntarily have their production process audited under the RenovaBio program (National Biofuels Policy). This program provides a framework for certifying a mill’s efficiency in reducing GHG emissions, which is of strategic importance to the achievement of national decarbonization targets.

In 2024, we continued engaging and supporting suppliers in the development of their CO2 reduction plans, focusing on high-impact suppliers. We collected primary data for some 65% of GHG emissions from raw materials included in our target scope as a result of this engagement.

For corn dextrose, we have partnered with our supplier Cargill on several regenerative agriculture programs in the past years. In 2024, we participated in the RegenConnect program, which focuses on soil health and carbon sequestration. Due to the limited contribution of this program to our climate targets, we decided not to continue with this initiative. We are currently investigating alternative programs.

Engagement with our chemical suppliers resulted in the implementation of renewable electricity (ISCC plus certified) for one of our raw materials from 2025 onwards.

Regarding logistics, we increased the use of intermodal freight transport over truck transportation in the EU, resulting in a significant emissions reduction. We also initiated development of a logistics roadmap for the US.

Compared to 2023, our scope 3 emissions increased, which is caused by increased purchases of raw materials, product mix effects and increased emissions for transport of both raw materials and finished goods. We expect our scope 3 emissions to remain stable in the coming years due to the implementation of the new circular lactic acid technology with lower scope 3 emissions, which compensates for the impact of business growth.

External recognition

Sustainability is a source of pride and purpose for everything we do. Our strategy is aimed at creating value for all stakeholders by growing our business in sustainable ingredient solutions. We highly appreciate it when our sustainability efforts are recognized by others.


CDP runs a global disclosure system that enables companies, cities, states, and regions to measure and manage their environmental impacts, with a focus on climate change, water security, and deforestation. A detailed and independent methodology is used to assess companies, allocating a score from A to F based on the comprehensiveness of disclosure, awareness, and management of environmental risks and demonstration of best practices associated with environmental leadership, such as setting ambitious and meaningful targets. Entities that do not disclose or provide sufficient information are marked with an F. The CDP questionnaire is aligned with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

Our CDP disclosures (new window) on climate change and water are public and can also be downloaded from our website (new window).


Corbion score

Climate change/General





Corbion has received a Gold Sustainability Rating in the 2024 EcoVadis CSR assessment, placing us in the top 5% of all suppliers in our sector worldwide. This prestigious rating reflects our commitment to sustainability across four key areas:

  • Environment

  • Labor practices

  • Fair business practices

  • Sustainable procurement

EcoVadis evaluates companies on 21 sustainability criteria, ranging from CO2 emissions to human rights and business ethics. The framework is aligned with leading standards, including GRI, Global Compact, and ISO 26000.

This recognition underscores Corbion’s commitment to preserving what matters and supports our broader business strategy to create lasting value responsibly. Explore our full EcoVadis profile and current rating on our website (new window).