Board of Management/Executive Committee


The Board of Management (composed of the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer) is entrusted with the management of the company. A number of key officers have been appointed to manage the company together with the Board of Management. The members of the Board of Management and these key officers together constitute the Executive Committee. For the purpose of this corporate governance section, where the Executive Committee is mentioned, it also includes the Board of Management unless the context requires otherwise.

The Executive Committee has been operational since 1 January 2015. With the setup of this leadership team, Corbion is well positioned to drive a common agenda across the business, set clear priorities, and enhance the execution of its strategy. Members of the Supervisory Board regularly met with the members of the Executive Committee during 2024. The Supervisory Board and the Board of Management held several meetings in 2024 to review the progress of the strategy. In addition to the members of the Board of Management, other members of the Executive Committee were invited to give presentations on their area of responsibility to the Supervisory Board and its committees.

Under the chair of the CEO, the members of the Executive Committee share responsibility for developing and executing the strategic plan for the company aimed at delivering long-term value creation, aligning and prioritizing (strategic) initiatives, determining the risk profile, and implementing strategic and operational policies. The Board of Management has ultimate responsibility for the company’s management and external reporting and is answerable to shareholders of the company at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders. In performing its duties, the Executive Committee is guided by the interests of the company and its affiliated enterprise, taking into consideration the interests of the company’s stakeholders.

For a more detailed description of the responsibilities of the Board of Management and the Executive Committee, please refer to the Rules of the Board of Management/Executive Committee (new window).

Composition and appointment

The Board of Management consists of two or more members, which number is to be determined by the Supervisory Board. The CEO determines the number of Executive Committee members. The composition of the Executive Committee and brief résumés of its members are available under the sections Governance and risk management/Our Board of Management and Executive Committee in this report.

The members of the Board of Management are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders on the basis of nominations by the Supervisory Board. The Corbion Articles of Association state that the General Meeting of Shareholders can overrule any such nomination by an absolute majority of the votes cast, provided said majority represents at least one-third of the issued capital. No second meeting will be convened if there is no quorum, as a second meeting is not required by Dutch law.

The Supervisory Board is authorized at all times to suspend a member of the Board of Management. The General Meeting of Shareholders may decide to suspend or dismiss a member of the Board of Management by an absolute majority of the votes cast, provided said majority represents at least one-third of the issued capital. This quorum requirement does not apply if the proposal for suspension or dismissal is submitted by the Supervisory Board. No second meeting will be convened if there is no quorum, as a second meeting is not required by Dutch law.

Each member of the Board of Management is appointed for a maximum period of four years with the possibility of reappointment for consecutive four-year terms in accordance with the Code. The other members of the Executive Committee are appointed, suspended, and dismissed by the CEO, subject to consultation with the Supervisory Board.


The remuneration for the individual members of the Board of Management is determined by the Supervisory Board on the proposal of the Remuneration Committee of the Supervisory Board and must be consistent with the policy thereon as adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The current Remuneration Policy applicable to the Board of Management was adopted by the annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024 and is published on Corbion’s website. A full and detailed description of the composition of the remuneration for the individual members of the Board of Management is included in the Remuneration report. The remuneration for the other individual members of the Executive Committee shall be determined by the CEO, subject to consultation with the Supervisory Board.

Conflict of interest

Members of the Executive Committee must report any (potential) conflict of interest to the Chair of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board shall decide whether a conflict of interest exists. The member of the Executive Committee who has a (potential) conflict of interest shall not participate in discussions and decision-making on a subject or transaction in relation to which the member has a conflict of interest with the company. Decisions to enter into transactions in which members of the Executive Committee have conflicts of interest that are of material significance to the company and/or to the relevant member(s) of the Executive Committee require the approval of the Supervisory Board. In accordance with best-practice provision 2.7.4 of the Code, the company reports that in 2024, there were no transactions involving a conflict of interest with members of the Executive Committee that was of material significance and that required approval of the Supervisory Board.