
The separate financial statements of Corbion nv (the company) are drawn up in accordance with the principles referred to in Part 9, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.

A list has been filed at the Amsterdam Trade Register setting out the data on the group companies as required under Sections 2:379 and 2:414 of the Dutch Civil Code. Corbion is registered with the Dutch Commercial Register under number 33006580.

Name of reporting entity

Corbion N.V.

Domicile of entity


Legal form of entity

Public company

Country of incorporation

The Netherlands

Address of entity's registered office

Piet Heinkade 127, 1019 GM Amsterdam

Principal place of business


Basis of preparation

By using the option in Section 2:362 (8) of the Dutch Civil Code the same accounting principles (including the principles for recognizing financial instruments as equity or debt) have been applied in the separate financial statements and the consolidated financial statements.

Participating interests in group companies

Participating interests in group companies are accounted for in the company financial statements according to the equity method. Corbion nv makes use of the option to eliminate intragroup expected credit losses against the book value of loans and receivables from Corbion nv to participating interests, instead of elimination against the equity value/net asset value of the participating interests. Refer to the basis of consolidation accounting policy in the consolidated financial statements.

Result of participating interests

The share in the result of participating interests comprises the share of the company in the result of these participating interests. Results on transactions involving the transfer of assets and liabilities between the company and its participating interests, on the one hand, and between participating interests, on the other, are eliminated to the extent that they can be considered as not realized.

For an overview of any events after the balance sheet date, reference is made to Note 30 of the consolidated financial statements.