Supervisory Board


The Supervisory Board, acting in the interests of the company and its affiliated enterprise and taking into account the relevant interests of the company’s stakeholders, supervises and advises the Board of Management and Executive Committee in performing their management tasks. From among its members, the Supervisory Board has appointed an Audit Committee, an Appointment and Governance Committee, a Remuneration Committee, a Science and Technology Committee, and a Sustainability and Safety Committee. During 2024, the Supervisory Board appointed a temporary Corporate Development Committee that held monthly meetings with the Board of Management.

Corbion’s Articles of Association require the approval of the Supervisory Board for certain major resolutions proposed to be taken by the Board of Management, including issuance of shares, repurchase of shares, reduction of the issued share capital, amendment of the Articles of Association, and significant changes in the identity or nature of the company or its enterprise.

For a more detailed description of the responsibilities of the Supervisory Board and its committees, please refer to the Rules of the Supervisory Board and the Charters of its committees, which are available on Corbion’s website.

Composition and appointment

The Supervisory Board consists of three or more members to be determined by the Supervisory Board. The composition of the Supervisory Board and brief résumés of its members are available under the section How we safeguard long-term value/Supervisory Board in this report.

The members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders on the basis of nominations by the Supervisory Board (representation of employees and other workers in the Supervisory Board is not applicable). The Corbion Articles of Association state that the General Meeting of Shareholders can overrule any such nomination by an absolute majority of the votes cast, provided the said majority represents at least one-third of the issued capital. No second meeting will be convened if there is no quorum, as a second meeting is not required by law.

The Supervisory Board is authorized at all times to suspend a member of the Supervisory Board. The General Meeting of Shareholders may decide to suspend or dismiss a member of the Supervisory Board by an absolute majority of the votes cast, provided the said majority represents at least one-third of the issued capital. This quorum requirement does not apply if the proposal for suspension or dismissal is submitted by the Supervisory Board. No second meeting will be convened if there is no quorum, as a second meeting is not required by law.

Each member of the Supervisory Board is appointed for a maximum period of four years with the possibility of re-appointment for consecutive terms in accordance with the Code. The members of the Supervisory Board retire periodically in accordance with a schedule of resignation, which is available on Corbion’s website.

Conflict of interest

Members of the Supervisory Board must report any (potential) conflict of interest to the Chair of the Supervisory Board (and the Chair to the Vice-Chair). The Supervisory Board shall decide whether a conflict of interest exists. The member of the Supervisory Board who has a (potential) conflict of interest shall not participate in discussions and decision-making on a subject or transaction in relation to which the member has a conflict of interest with the company. Decisions to enter into transactions in which members of the Supervisory Board have conflicts of interest that are of material significance to the company and/or to the relevant member(s) of the Supervisory Board, require the approval of the Supervisory Board. In accordance with best-practice provision 2.7.4 of the Code, the company reports that in 2024 there were no transactions in which there was a conflict of interest with members of the Supervisory Board that was of material significance and that required approval of the Supervisory Board.

In accordance with best-practice provision 2.7.5 of the Code, the company reports that no transactions between the company and legal or natural persons who hold at least 10% of the shares in the company occurred in 2024.